
Our Commitment

Our safety goal is simple: zero work-related injuries or illnesses.

This means that our manufacturing facilities are operated at high standards of safety. Each and every floor shop employee is thoroughly trained in all aspects of injury and illness prevention as well as safety protocols. Tools and machines are well organized and manufacturing facilities are kept clean and free of unmarked hazards.

Additional work-specific safety training and measures are taken for jobs that require extra care including for those that work in our paint and anodizing line, and those that use our machines.

Wilson Partitions emphasizes human safety because we know that the impact of a single occupational injury or illness touches the lives of many including co-workers, families, and friends. Every employee understands that safety is a collective priority and works to make sure that everyone does their part.

Our Goal is Simple: ZERO Work-Related Injuries or Illnesses.

Contact Us

West Coast
2301 E. Vernon Ave.
Vernon, CA 90058
Phone: 866.443.7258
Fax: 323.908.5451

7601 Ambassador Row, Suite 102
Dallas, TX 75247
Phone: 214.295.2165
Fax: 214.496.0156

East Coast
110 Viaduct Road
Stamford, CT 06907
Phone: 203.316.8033
Fax: 203.316.0019